The Engineer of What?
A bi-weekly discussion of all things related to a life of an engineer
We found 5 episodes of The Engineer of What? with the tag “beer”.
Episode 14: Recap
Episode | July 16th, 2018 | 41 mins 34 secs
apple, beer, clues, elon, esri, food, games, hardware, macbook pro, microsoft, musk, new york, puzzles, recap, surface go, surface pro, tech, tesla, travel
This week, Nathan and Ricky discuss all of the shenanigans that occurred during Ricky's visit to New York. Listen in as we talk good food, great beer, as well as all of the new developments in tech for this week.
Episode 9: What's even going on
Episode | May 7th, 2018 | 44 mins 38 secs
assistants, beer, burgers, busy, calendars, conferences, ftp, ide, lists, planning
Ever have those weeks where you can't remember what you did an hour ago? Listen to Nathan and Ricky talk about how they handle this level of being busy. You also don't want to miss hearing about the best burger ever and Ricky making Nathan cringe over how he update websites.
Episode 8: Locked Out!
Episode | April 23rd, 2018 | 52 mins 13 secs
beer, desk, locked out, stickers, swag, water tower, windows
Nathan gets locked of his machine for a few days. Ricky gets to stand around and watch a team fix a $250,000 mistake and gets a sweet package in the mail? What else exciting has happened this week?
Episode 7: Ricky goes into IT
Episode | April 9th, 2018 | 55 mins 3 secs
acugis, appium, ar, beer, geonode, geoserver, gis, hosting, it, ui testing
Join us this week are we cover a whole bunch of topics. We go over GIS hosting, UI Testing, beer, user group meetings, and new app ideas! We also cover Ricky "moving into IT" for a new project he's working on.
Episode 5: Going to the Dark Side
Episode | February 26th, 2018 | 49 mins 51 secs
android, beer, busy, chromebook, ios, work
Not only has this week been a busy week, but Nathan decided it was time for a change. Listen to Rick ask him what he thoughts are as he makes this switch and talk about the technology behind it.