Rick Warden
Co-Host of The Engineer of What?
Rick Warden is a Water/Wastewater/Environmental Engineer working in the Chesapeake Bay area. He mainly works with local governments and upgrading/creating infrastructure as well as private entities for environmental clean up/regulations. His specialty is ArcGIS applications for visualization of data and asset management for local governments. Other interests include cryptocurrency, drones, and everything google.
Rick Warden has hosted 30 Episodes.
Episode 33: Project Management
Episode | April 22nd, 2019 | 31 mins 40 secs
contracts, deadlines, engineering, excel, management, planning, pm, project, project manager, work
No matter what type of engineering you do, you probably have had to work with a project manager. We all have contracts and things we have to get done. Project managers are "suppose" to make sure this gets done. Join us this week as we talk about the pros and cons of working with a project manager.
Episode 32: Security is Important, but not Required
Episode | April 8th, 2019 | 41 mins
active directory, auditing, authentication, backups, git, multi-factor, office, password, phone, requirements, security, two-factor
Security is important for any company, but should important for your personal stuff too. Whether it's code, files, passwords, servers or even your phone security should be considered. Why personally we think it's a great idea, companies don't always enforce it. Should you still do it? (yes)
Episode 30: Ricky the Audio Engineer
Episode | March 11th, 2019 | 51 mins 2 secs
apple, ar, audio, chrome, engineering, flexgate, macbook, macbook pro, mixer, mixing, production, roland, sound, water, windows
Ricky has had a week of water testing and... audio engineering? Ricky has moved back to the audio world, but boy does he have some work to do!
Episode 29: Electron is Flash
Episode | February 25th, 2019 | 47 mins 8 secs
adobe, airpods, apex legends, apple, electron, flash, ipod touch, macbook pro, samsung s10, vs code, vscode
Is Electron the new flash? Some might think so, Nathan does not. We also follow up on Ricky's experience of VS Code and discuss the new things in tech including Samsung releases and a possible timeline of Apple for 2019.
Episode 28: Edit this Code
Episode | February 11th, 2019 | 41 mins 20 secs
apex legends, atom, c#, code editor, editing, hololens, ide, java, javascript, sublime, text editor, visual studio, vscode
Today is the day of sale pitches. Apex Legends looks great, but Nathan isn't convinced. Ricky has to do some code editing, but isn't sure if VSCode is going to fit the needs for the project. Join us as we discuss both these topics and talk about why we can't wait to use them.
Episode 27: Upcoming and more upcoming
Episode | January 28th, 2019 | 54 mins 43 secs
deepmind, developer, draw.io, e3, esri, facebook, far cry, github, nukeeper, playstation, pubg, starcraft, tsa, whats app, windows, windows lite, xbox
Whats upcoming in video games, esri, windows, and event TSA? We talk about all of it as cover everything that looked of interest to us under the sun with so many things starting 2019 off right!
Episode 26: CES
Episode | January 14th, 2019 | 38 mins 47 secs
ces, computers, event, gis, new tech, open source, programming, smart devices, smart watch, tech, technology
Let's start 2019 off right. CES just happened, demos just happened, what else could of happened? Listen as Nathan and Ricky discuss everything in 2019 thus far as they are both back home recording apart like always.
Episode 25: Together at Last
Episode | December 31st, 2018 | 51 mins 53 secs
engineering, esri, holidays, mapping, microsoft, new year, podcasting, recording, review, software, technology, water
Last episode of 2018! Join us as we cover everything we talked about all year and even better, after 1 year of recording we finally did an episode together IN PERSON!
Episode 24: Connect 2018
Episode | December 17th, 2018 | 42 mins 26 secs
ai, azure, chrome, connect 2018, dell, devops, edge, gis, github, google fi, laptop, lg, live share, machine learning, map, microsoft, open source, phone, visual studio, vs, vs code, windows 10
Not only did Ricky have a great week for new tech, but Microsoft Connect() 2018 just happened! Lot's to cover and even more to be excited about so you're not going to want to miss this recap.
Episode 23: If it ain't Broke, Rewrite It
Episode | December 3rd, 2018 | 43 mins 43 secs
android, apple, chrome, engineer, fuschia, iphone, microsoft, os, red dead, surface, surface go
Android OS and Chrome OS are both great operating systems from Google, but apparently they can do better. Join us as we talk about what that is and how it we could benefit from it along with other new things in tech including a hands on review.
Episode 22: Black Wednesday
Episode | November 19th, 2018 | 49 mins 26 secs
azure, black friday, cyber monday, devops, esri, google, licensing, maps, pixel, thanksgiving, tls, users
This week being thanksgiving, it's only appropriate to talk about black Friday and cyber Monday. Not really, but join us as we discuss what's new in tech including the leaks of a new google pixel and a foldable phone? Also in the ESRI world, new ArcGIS online user licensing and new TLS restrictions.
Episode 21: Mapping and Water
Episode | November 5th, 2018 | 45 mins 42 secs
esri, gis, mapping, oneplus, phone, plans, proposal, tech, technology, water
Join us this week as we talk about working with strange mapping variables and the next big things happening in water. Ricky also needs a new phone, what do you think he should get? Listen as we discuss what got released this week including new phones to help with his decision.
Episode 20: And we're back
Episode | October 22nd, 2018 | 37 mins 39 secs
android, apple, engineer, esri, macos, new, os, technology, watch, windows
Time flies and we both can agree on that. Ricky is back on schedule after getting married, Nathan is back to a normal life after a big event. Doesn't matter what we are talking about, let's just jump in as we get back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Episode 18: On the Road
Episode | September 10th, 2018 | 35 mins 31 secs
airport, coins, cryptocurrency, debugging, ducks, engineer, programming, road, travel, wedding
Nathan got stuck in an airport, but that doesn't stop us here! Join us as Rick and Nathan talk about the awesome wedding that took place along with a few updates in cryptocurrency and a programming hint that Rick has never heard of.
Episode 16: The Earth is Round?
Episode | August 13th, 2018 | 34 mins 58 secs
android, audio, coffee, earth, engineer, essential, google, kickstarter, maps, music, pie, pixel, soulfest
Nathan just got back off the road from taking a break from programming and working as an audio engineer all week. Hear about his fun stories from his time on the road along with other things that are new including an important stance google maps is taking on the earth, android giving the whole world some pie, and something we all love, coffee.
Episode 15: Problem Solved
Episode | July 30th, 2018 | 44 mins 29 secs
apple, audio, gis, ios, ipad, mac, microsoft, music, prime day, problems, processor, slack, solving, spatial, teams
GIS problems? Solved. 16 bit audio problems? Solved. New intel processor problems? Solved. Prime day? Solved. Listen this week as Nathan and Rick talk all about the problems that have came up and the solutions that happened to overcome them.